Saturday 30 April 2011

We're using our logo too much

This might seem a strange critique, but looking at everything we have in the blog, most of our designs seem to have a big focus on our logo. Don't get me wrong, as we know the logo is one way of seeing an identity, but not the only one.

I think we should explore other ideas, concepts and looks that don't rely so much on our logo. I believe we have a strong ethos and a really good core of ideas that we can use to show who we are without having to put the logo on every single design.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think it's not so much that we're using our logo too much but it is our main tool for communicating who we are. It quickly and effectively communicates that we are HitMe, but I agree we could look at other ways of doing so.

    What other ways were you thinking about exploring?

  3. p.s I pressed post comment before I finished typing lol. Sorry.

  4. Yeah, I do agree that it is a quick way of putting ourselves out there and it is effective. What I'm worried about is it being the main way we are communicating ourselves giving the idea that we may be a "one trick pony" (I know we have more ideas, but possible clients may not).

    Maybe we could have posters/t-shirts with an attitude that reflect our ethos rather than using out the logo. Maybe a word, a quote, or even a playful design inspired by the our logo, etc.

    Obviously I do realise we have a very short schedule at the moment, but it may be something to reflect upon.

  5. Yeah I see where you're coming from but our logo obviously does need to be on everything we use in order to promote ourselves, no matter how big or small. But I can see how it's best not to make it the focal point of everything we produce, but don't forget we have our portfolio to show potential clients what our work is like, and as you said we have a very short schedule so if we want to not use the logo so much we all need to seriously start outputting ideas.

  6. I don't agree that our logo needs to be on everything. On some things sure, and being a new company it promotes our logo. But it doesn't necessarily promote our work. It would be good to try to represent ourselves beyond that. If in our ethos we have tactile and collectable work, we could use that as a way of showing our portfolio to everyone out there, which would be beyond just an online/physical portfolio that we will keep with us.

    But like I said, I know we're on a tight schedule so at this point, this more of a personal reflection than anything else.

  7. I'm sorry I don't quite understand what you're trying to say about the portfolio? I get where you're coming from about the logo though, but I think it should be somewhere on our website, business card, and letterhead at the very least.

  8. With the website, business card and letterhead I completely agree that our logo should be there. I was talking more about work beyond that, but don't worry about it.
    Maybe it's a bit complicated for me to explain through here, when we next meet up we can talk about it.

  9. Sorry for the late reply i agree that the logo shouldn't be used on everything because as much as it is our identity, our aim is to be versatile in our design and we should show that to the clients through the designs of our promotional material

    I think if the logo is going to be used on most pieces there must b another design or something to it perhaps so the logo does not soverpower the design if u get me

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