Thursday 28 April 2011

I have a plan...

About the website that is. This is related to the other design website I liked, but I thought we could use the 'I like your face' bit with those little characters I drew when we did the poster. Basically the one on the left walks closer to the one on the right beckoning it closer with each page. And on the contact page, or the 'final' page, they can say 'I like your face'. 

It's a bit like a metaphor of the friendly relationship we want to have with our clients and expresses our fun-loving attitude.

Also I was thinking on the home page we can have our logo in the middle and around it illustrations for each of the pages, so like a phone for contact page and passport photo for our profiles.

I think I will do some more decent looking mock-ups of this idea but thought I'd share.

EDIT: Here is 'more decent mock up'. I'm not saying this necessarily for layout etc but more style/concept. When anything is clicked on, what's in the centre moves to the top...

And the general layout would be a bit like this. I've found some jQuery script which should be really easy and will move/resize the objects so it looks fluid/animated rather than just the page reloading.


  1. Really great, the colour scheme is great goes with the business card well. Love how you've bought back the characters from our "wether/weather" poster, I think we were all a fan of them lol!
    I really like how the icons look on the first page and then when selected they move up to the top, allows the users focus to then be on the content in the center, but like you said it makes the movement more fluid.
    Really really like this.

  2. Yeah, I've been told the colour scheme is quite formal, but I think maybe this is something we want? Because the little illustrations have a playful, fun side to them, and the colour scheme is like the professional side? I think I might experiment with colour schemes just in case, but I am also rather partial this colour scheme too.

  3. I really liked the sketched mock up, but I'm not so sure about the latest ones. It looks too serious, it seems like we ran away a bit from our approach. It's good, but I don't believe it fits our style.
    The logo has too much screen space as well.

  4. I think the contrast between the colours and then the humorous touch with the characters on the bottom makes it stand out a bit its like we look professional, but have a bit of character and flare.

  5. I'm not so sure about it looking professional. I don't see the playful side either, even with the characters at the bottom.
    Then again, it's a good initial idea and I do like the concept.
