Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Another Layout

Ok, here's another concept for the layout. It isn't finished and there are some things I still would like to experiment with, but I thought I would put it up here at this stage for some feedback.

Another variation. Did some small changes, the pattern is different altered it to a more organic texture, made the sentence underneath "hi there" less heavy. I also added the grey banner in order to frame the website a bit more and tried a different piece of work on the main page to see how it would look.

I'll keep working on it.
Also, I bought the t-shirt transfer sheets (I shall take them to the meeting tomorrow) and I finally managed to grab some big bubble wrap from work for the posters.


  1. I really like it, read the little captions under the navigational bit at the bottom and they made me chuckle. Also the tag style thing on the top right could be an interesting thing to continue through the site with. Maybe not both of the badge/sticker/coaster things in the center though, but I really like the idea of having a piece of our work in the middle like that so as soon as you go on the site a bit of our work is right there. The layout works well too, how it flows from right to left like that from top to bottom.

  2. One thing I forgot, I like the lil saying of the secret lair of hit me, but I dunno if maybe you could try it in lower case or not underlined. I think it just looks a bit too heavy under the hi there and maybe a lowercase font might sit better.

  3. I might experiment with different pages and add the tag style to other elements maybe.
    The idea with the badge/sticker/coaster things in the front page was that, to have a piece of our work in our home page. It could even change every time we would refresh the page.

    I agree with the lair saying, I'm going to try that.
